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Welcome to Bassett Maple Co! I’m Charlie, currently a freshman at Grand Valley State University studying Product Design and Manufacturing, and my younger brother Jacob is a junior in high school and studies building trades. We are the hands behind getting delicious homemade maple syrup on the table to enjoy with your family. 


Throughout my childhood, I have memories of standing huddled around the warmth of the fire from making maple syrup with my father. I still remember the first time I tasted hot syrup from the evaporator, from that point I was hooked. I looked forward to helping my dad collect the sap and turn it into this delicious treat that my siblings and I love so much. It never seemed like work to me, all the walking through the woods collecting, carrying full buckets, standing around the warm evaporator on chilly nights listening to stories from the family and friends who helped collect that day. After my father passed it became important to me that this tradition carry on. I make these evaporators and sell them to other fathers and sons, so they can have some of the same memories I had with my father.


I started tinkering with a small evaporator design that would be manageable for my brother and I to use. After a few seasons and many fires we landed on the design you see offered here today. Jacob and I have developed a system for making these with precision and quality so you can focus on enjoying the process of making maple syrup and not worry about inefficient equipment. We hope you’ll be able to use our evaporator to carry on traditions and make invaluable memories with family and friends. Happy boiling! 


- Charlie and Jacob Bassett

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